What to say when you are promoted?

You work hard at work in hopes of getting promoted to a higher paying and more respected position. If you are promoted at work, the first thing you want to do is thank your supervisor graciously for giving you the amazing opportunity. Thank them and let them know that you will not let them down for giving you the opportunity. If your coworkers are congratulating you for your promotion, don’t boast about it obnoxiously. Show that you are humble by thanking everyone respectfully so that everyone can believe you deserve the promotion you got.

Phrases rating for situation when you are promoted. Copy and Paste!

I am excited and look forward to adding more value to the team in my new position
I appreciate that my effort in learning the (new skill) is being recognized
I am excited about my promotion! Thank you for recognizing my accomplishments in the past year by promoting me
I am excited to start the position next week. I appreciate you for trusting me with this opportunity
I appreciate the opportunity
I will do my best to excel in this position. I am grateful for the opportunity
Thank you for investing in me. I will make you proud
I am looking forward to working as a (job title)
I'm thrilled with my recent promotion!
Made with passion in 2019, updated with care in 2023.