What to say when someone is mad?

If you find yourself in front of someone who is mad, do everything you can to avoid them getting madder. What you do not want to do is tell them to calm down as it can have the opposite effect and make them madder. Instead, try and find out what caused them to be so mad in the first place. If they won’t tell you, try talking to them about other things to simmer them down into an easier to talk to state. You can also try to make them laugh so they can settle down faster with a smile. Always remember to avoid getting mad yourself or you may need someone to calm you down next.

Phrases rating for situation when someone is mad. Copy and Paste!

Is there anything I can do to help?
What is this upsetting to you?
This must be so hard for you
I can't begin to imagine what you're going through
I can see you're in terrible pain
Do you want to talk about it?
Why are you so mad?
Made with passion in 2019, updated with care in 2023.